Sonntag, 21. April 2019

Solitaire Dip - game 1: turn 1

Spring 1901, orders and failures

Germany: F Kie-Hel, A Ber-Kie, A Mun H
England: A Liv-Yor, F Lon-Eng, F Edi-Nth
Italy: F Nap-Tyn, A Ven-Tyr, A Rom-Ven
France: F Bre-Mid, A Par-Pic, A Mar H
Turkey: F Ank-Bla, A Con-Bul, A Smy-Con
Austria: F Tri-Ven, A Bud-Ser, A Vie-Bud
Russia: F Stp.s - Bot, A War-Ukr, F Sev-Rom, A Mos-Sev

Diplomatic actions
Germany: the Austrians and Russians seem to be engaged elsewhere, so try to get Holland and move on Belgium
Italy: get Tunis, then put pressure on austria to releave Turkey and avoid being rolled up by the Emperors from the East
Russia: keep going south
Turkey: play for time, push back Russia and get Italy to help out against Austria
Austria: get Italy off the back, hold Serbia w/o letting Russia run away
England: take Norway, move on Brest (avoid getting caught in Belgium between France and Germany)
France: take Spain from Marseille, defend Brest and Belgium

Fall 1901 moves

Austria: A Bud-Vie, A Ser-Bul, F Tri-Ven
Italy: F Tyn-Tun, A Tyr S A Rom-Ven, A Rom-Ven
Turkey: A Bul H, F Bla S A Bul H, A Ank-Arm
Germany: F Hel-Den, A Kie - Hol, A Mun-Bur
England: F Nth-Nwy, A Yor-Lon, F Eng-Bre
France: A Mar-Spa, F Mid-Bre, A Pic-Bel
Russia: F Bot-Swe, A Ukr - S F Rum H, F Rum H, A Sev-Arm

Fall 1901 diplomatic actions and tentative 1902 plans

Germany: keep pushing west, hold off Italian adventures in Bavaria
England: work with France to pressure Germany from the north, asking for Holland
France: let England move on Holland, drive Germany out of France
Russia: move through Galicia to keep pushing south. Demand Skagerrak and Baltic Sea to be neutral waters.
Turkey: delay Russia, make a seaborne move on Greece
Austria: hold off Italy, make a move on Greece
Italy: keep Austria busy, move on the Balkans with fleets

Fall 1901 builds

France: A Par, A Mar
Russia: A War, A Mos
Turkey: F Con
Austria: A Bud
Italy: F Nap
Germany: F Kie, A Mun
England: F Edi

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