Donnerstag, 25. April 2019

Solitaire Dip - game 1, 1902 turns

Spring 1902 moves

Russia: F Swe H, A War-Gal, F Rum H, A Ukr S F Rum H, A Sev-Arm, A Mos-Sev
Italy: F Nap-Apu, F Tun-Ion, A Tyr-Tri, A Ven S A Tyr-Tri
England: F Nwy-Ska, F Edi-Nth, F Eng S F Edi-Nth, A Lon H
France: F Mid H, A Mar-Bur, A Par S A Mar-Bur, A Bel-Ruh
Austria: A Ser-Gre, A Bud-Ser, A Vie-Tyr, F Tri-Ven
Turkey: F Con-Aeg, A Bul H, F Bla S A Bul H, A Ank-Arm
Germany: A Hol-Bel, A Bur H, A Mun S A Bur H, F Kie-Hol, F Den-Nth

Retreat: Austrian F Tri-Adr

Spring 1902 Diplomatic Action

England: tell Russia all due respect for Skagerrak, but the English fleet move is actually going away from Barent Sea adventures and key to keeping Germany navy in check. Specific attack options include

  • safe: take Denmark from Nth with support from Den
  • risk that Germany moves the Holland F to Nth: take Denmark from Ska with support from Nth
  • gamble on German moves by convoying the A Lon to Belgium (hard to stop if the A there moves) or to Holland via Nth (easier to disrupt or stop)
  • prediction of Germany's move: F Hol-Kie, to drive the A Ruh towards Silesia? or F Hol H to push against the English fleets from Holland?
France: take Portugal, and push back Germany (ideally back out of Belgium)
Germany: hold Benelux, deal with the invasion of the Ruhr
Italy: consolidate and keep Austria at bay, help Turkey hold against Austria and Russia
Russia: find a path to exert pressure on Turkey
Austria: retake Trieste without complete withdrawal from the Balkans
Turkey: stay alive until Italy makes the Austrian spearheads break or withdraw.

Fall 1902 moves

England: F Ska-Den, F Nth S F Ska-Den, A Lon - (F Eng) - Bel
Austria: A Tyr-Vie, F Adr-Ven, A Ser S F Rum-Bul, A Gre H
Turkey: A Ank-Arm, A Bul H, F Bla S A Bul H, F Aeg S F Ion-Gre
France: F Mid-Bre, A Spa-Por, A Mar-Bur, A Par S A Mar-Bur, A Ruh-Bel
Italy: F Ion-Gre, A Tri-Tyr, F Apu-Adr, A Ven H
Russia: F Rum-Bul, A Sev-Arm, A Mos H, A Ukr-Rum, A Gal H
Germany: A Mun-Ruh, A Bur-Bel, A Bel-Hol, F Hol-Kie, F Den S F Hol-Kie

Retreats Fall 1902 

Germany: A Bur-Pic, F Den-Hel
Austria: A Gre-Alb

1902 builds/dissolves

Ger: dissolve A Pic
Fra: build F Mar
Ita: build F Nap
Eng: build F Edi

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