Mir ist mal wieder ein Vorlagenheft des CVA aus dem "Baukunst im Kleinen" Format in die Hände gefallen. Als vorweihnachtliches Thema fiel mir die "Kirche in Tirol" von Rolf Fritsche ins Auge.
Berichte aus Kolyusha's Freizeit: Tabletops, Spiele, Ankersteine...
Mir ist mal wieder ein Vorlagenheft des CVA aus dem "Baukunst im Kleinen" Format in die Hände gefallen. Als vorweihnachtliches Thema fiel mir die "Kirche in Tirol" von Rolf Fritsche ins Auge.
Auch von meinem letzten Ankersteingebäude, dem GK-NF 18 Ausstellungspavillon, hab ich beim Abbau Fotos gemacht und zu nem Trickfilm zusammengestöpselt. Viel Spaß damit.
Nach dem ersten Testrennen mit mehr Ausfällen als Autos im Ziel dachte ich, es den Fahrern mit einer lockereren Startaufstellung leichter zu machen. Jeder durfte sich (in Platzierungsreihenfolge des Vorrennens) mit beliebigem Abstand zu den Vordermännern aufstellen um Platz zum Durchstarten zu haben.
Trotzdem war es wieder deutlich chaotischer als erwartet.
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Startaufstellung. Einige Wagen lassen absichtlich mindestens eine mittelschnelle Gerade Abstand zum Vordermann. |
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Trotz der lockereren Startaufstellung sah es nach der ersten Kurve schon gleich relativ durcheinander aus. Mehrere Fahrzeuge haben schon die ersten Dreher hingelegt. |
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Der silberne Survivor Racer rangiert noch, als die ersten beiden Wagen schon im Ziel sind. |
Beim Stöbern in meinem Lieblingsspieleladen bin ich über Gaslands gestolpert, ein Autorennspielmaus dem Osprey-Verlag, der seit einiger Zeit außer historischen Büchern (Uniformen und so) auch verschiedenste Tabletopregeln herausbringt.
Bei diesem Spiel geht es um Autorennen mit Autos im Matchboxformat, die in einem postapokalyptischen Science Fiction Setting in der nahen Zukunft (hmm, wo hab ich das denn in letzter Zeit schonmal gehört?) stattfinden. Dabei wird nicht nur gefahren, sondern auch fröhlich gerammt und mit fast unbegrenzt schwerer, optionaler Bewaffnung herumgeballert.
Eigentlich hab ich mir das Regelbuch wie oft nur zum Lesen und aus allgemeiner Neugier gekauft, aber dann dachte ich ich probier es doch mal aus.
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Einige der Bewegungstemplates für niedrigere Gänge und mittlere Geschwindigkeiten |
Ich wollte erstmal eher das Fahren ausprobieren, regeltechnisch mit verschiedenen Schablonen für verschiedene Fahrtgeschwindigkeiten und Gänge abgebildet. Ich hab daher die Bewaffnung auf das Minimum reduziert (Handfeuerwaffen für alle Passagiere) und den Schaden davon noch weiter reduziert (nur Hazard-Token statt richtigem Schaden mit Ausnahme des zweiten bei einer sechs auf dem Schadenswürfel).
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(klicken zum Vergrößern) Teamliste, erstellt mit dem Gaslands Refuelled Team Builder von Luke Philipps |
Um im Alleinespiel etwas Gefühl für verschiedene Strategien zu kriegen, hab ich mir vier Teams mit verschiedenen Autos und Fahrstilen ausgedacht:
Weil die Begrenzungen der Rennstrecke aber aus soliden Felsen waren, gab es trotzdem jede Menge schwere Beschädigungen wegen Fahrfehlern etc. Schon auf der Startgeraden war das Chaos perfekt, weil einer der Wagen schon beim ersten geradeaus-Beschleunigen ins Schleudern kam und fast allen anderen den Weg versperrte. So endete das Rennen über eine einzige Runde mit fünf Ausfällen von neun Wagen.
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Die Sieger des ersten Rennens - die fünf restlichen Autos erreichten nicht mal das Ziel. Klarer Sieg für die Warriors auf Platz 1-3. |
Durch die vielen Ausfälle im ersten Rennen ergibt sich eine sehr einfache erste Fahrerwertung:
- Buggy Warrior im Fahrer A - 15 Punkte
- Green Warrior im Audi 200 - 10 Punkte
- Taxi Warrior im Audi Quattro - 8 Punkte
- Survivor Truck im Chevy Silverado - 6 Punkte
Und als Mannschaftswertung
- Warriors - 23 Punkte
- Survivors - 6 Punkte
- Kult of Speed und Victors - 0 Punkte
Wie im Unboxing angekündigt hier die ersten bemalten Minis, ohne die Infos zum Spiel zu wiederholen (ein paar Anmerkungen hab ich auch auf BGG veröffentlicht).
Beide Minis hab ich auch auf CMON eingestellt, vermute aber dass die anderen Experten dort sie auch nicht besser bewerten werden als ich selber (5/10).
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Das Erstlingswerk: K319-X |
Verwundert hat mich für eine Maschine der zerrupfte Mantel (wozu braucht ein Roboter so was, und warum ist er so zerrissen?). Egal, ich hab dann halt einen abgeschraddelten Poncho gemalt, aber immerhin mit etwas Freehand.
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Doug Norton (NWO) |
Seit einiger Zeit treffe ich mich alle zwei Wochen mit meinem Patensohn zum Bauen. Wir haben zunächst ein paar Klemmbausteinprojekte gemacht. Das macht viel Spaß und bringt tolle Ergebnisse - wir haben den Seidenladen von Xingbao gebaut, der sieht schon toll aus.
Aber: wie schon vorher bei den Cobi-Schiffbauprojekten mit Jakob erlebt, fressen diese Klemmbausteinmodelle einfach zu viel Platz - man baut sie einmal auf und lässt sie dann stehen. Gut, Kinder würden sie vielleicht wieder auseinanderreißen und die Steine anderweitig verwenden, aber irgendwie kann ich mich dazu nicht aufraffen. Bei den Cobibausätzen wäre es wegen der hohen Klemmkraft und der recht speziellen Steine ohnehin echt schwer, aber auch bei den chinesischen Häusern graust mir vor der Frage wie man die Steine so aufhebt dass man jemals wieder was damit anfangen kann.
So habe ich auf diesem Weg einen weiteren Vorteil der Ankersteine kennengelernt: im Gegensatz zu den Klemmbausteinen bauen sich die echten Steine leichter ab als auf, und sowohl Steine als auch Baupläne sind aufs Wiederverwenden des Steinvorrats ausgelegt.
Wir haben uns also nach dem Teehaus aus Plastik mal ein echtes Steingebäude vorgenommen, den Ausstellungspavillon. Er sticht durch große Höhe und seine Symmetrie aus der Reihe der anderen Pläne für den GK-NF 18 heraus.
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Der erste Bauabschnitt. Bemerkenswert die hochkant als Schmuckelemente verwendeten kleinen Bögen 124 an den Treppengeländern. |
(continued from the butterfly end of my recent workbench update)
Recap: I recently ran across a new Sci Fi skirmish wargame from some enthusiasts from Germany, called Rapture by Gravity Bay (btw, the game name is great, but not suitable at all as a hashtag / search term... I'll go for #RaptureTheGame instead). The artwork is gorgeous, the story (near future post-pandemic SciFi) fascinating and, although I don't play much, still motivating for me: the rules look eminently playable, fast paced and modern (more on that below).
A "print and play" preview of the game with rulebook and printable counters and proxies for the minis is available free of charge here.
After a 12 month+ grassroot campaign where the game was presented at big shows and in various gaming clubs (look for "Gravity Bay Rapture" on Youtube for examples), the game is about to go to Kickstarter (placeholder here) for funding of a first normal production run.
Until then, a handful of minis is already available in the Gravity Bay online shop today, so I couldn't resist ordering a few to try them out. Here's a first report on what I got.
Turnaround time from order to delivery was so-so, but I wasn't in a hurry. And I even got a friendly note handwritten on the back of the invoice, a very nice gesture.
Although I spend 98% of my non-historical tabletop time with building and painting and very rarely actually play the games, I had read through the preview rule book and quickly saw many things I really like. Maybe this game will even by playable in real life. Things I like about the game include:
Things I don't like after first read through: 1. Additional purchase needed to play: one of the really cool game features is that unit stats change as the game progresses, e.g. as units use life points and/or morale. But these changes need to be marked on the unit cards - to do that without damaging them you need transparent card sleeves and a wipe-off felt tip pen. I know where to get the sleeves (just have to hit the right size) but not the pen, and would like to get both packaged with the game instead of having to chase them separately. 2. No premeasurements of movement and firing distances - I don't like this in other tabletops, either (maybe another reason why I used to enjoy Demonworld so much, I guess I'm a board gamer at heart). It rewards a weird talent (estimating distances between an inch and a foot), and encourages gamy behavior like taking pre-measuring terrain pieces (for exaple, I have 25x50 cm terrain plates, giving me an unfair advantage over opponents who don't know this), or taking unimportant pot shots to get a "free" measurement. However, I'll be happy to accept the pot shots (not the pre-game measuring, though) as a feature, not a bug, after trying it out in reality. ![]() |
The boosters with the first minis. Each contains pieces for one mini, a round slotted base, a unit card with stats and a backdrop with a photo, product information and the legal blurb. F.l.t.r.: one mini each for the factions of Atlantis, New World Order (humans), an individual mercenary (crossover model from another game, event mini only) and an Angel. |
After unpacking, the first impressions of the minis are very good. They look really nice, have fantastic, fine detail (e.g. very vivid, expressive faces), dynamic-but-not-silly poses, good detail, and big diversity in size/impression/character.
And best of all: correct proportions (!) - wow. That's what drove me away from many classical tabletop minis and back to the good old German flats, I just don't like the chubby / chibi proportions of the traditional metal tabletop minis (historical, fantasy or Sci-Fi) and even many of their plastic and resin successors, where forearms are as thick as correctly proportioned thighs, fists as large as heads and gun barrels as thick as arms. But these minis have really thin, correctly proportioned gun barrels, fingers, even noses. Nice.
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Unpacking the first minis: unit cards with picture and stats on the front (and special rules summaries on the back), and the 2-3 part minis for Atlantis and NWO. |
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The assembled minis, waiting to be basecoated. |
The butterfly is fluttering again (at the end of this post), so here are some updates from my workbench. As always, click on the photos to enlarge.
(Half-)finished work is from my Zinna project, where a few minis are waiting for the rest of their unit to be added:
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The first Prussian half-battery ready for action |
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First half of Nadasdy hussars (not based yet because these minis will be mixed up with the remaining eight hussars). |
Another unit that is not yet half complete is the Baden-Baden infantry regiment (2 batallions).
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Back in the cardboard box, waiting for their comrades before being based: the first painted Baden-Baden musketeers |
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The next batch of Baden-Baden infantry, basecoated and half painted (the white cuffs, waistcoats and lapels are hard to see here, though). |
In addition, I have recently continued an old WH40K project, the Tallarn inspired Si Fi Desert Rats:
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The third wheeled Chimera equipped with a Griffon large caliber mortar after the first wash, waiting for another wash, highlights amd detailing. |
And then the butterfly: I recently ran across a new Sci Fi skirmish wargame from some enthusiasts from Germany, called Rapture by Gravity Bay. The artwork is gorgeous, the story (near future post-pandemic SciFi) fascinating and, although I don't play much, still motivating for me: the rules look eminently playable, fast paced and modern. A sneak preciew of the game with rulebook and printable counters and proxies for the minis is available here.
After a 12 month+ grassroot campaign where the game was presented at big shows and in various gaming clubs (look for "Gravity Bay Rapture" on Youtube for examples), the game is about to go to Kickstarter for funding of a first normal production run.
Until then, a handful of minis is already available in the Gravity Bay online shop today, so I couldn't resist ordering a few to try them out. I will post a separate unboxing/first impressions summary later, so here just are a couple photos to wet your appetite.
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The first boosters |
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The first minis assembled, ready to be cleaned and basecoated. From left to right (in my words, check the website for the official faction names): Human professional soldier, Atlantis water dweller with a mining water drill repurposed into a short distance weapon (how cool is that?), a really angry Angel (maybe because the four heads keep up a permanent shouting match among themselves?), and a robotic police AI which can fight for every faction and keeps changing its mind on tactical priorities. |
As for previous Piquet games (here and here), after detailed game logs with all initiative pips and die rolls which are more for my own reference, I also want to post one summary with the story of the battle as it evolved.
You can click on the pictures to see a larger version, as always.
The previous two battles were kind of meeting encounters between retreating troops and the vanguard of the pursuers. This time I wanted to go for a classical linear battle, as outlined in the setting.
So as planned, the first few turns here and here were spent marching the armies on the table in long march columns organized by wings.
The Empire received an extra move card as part of the army characterization, and were allowed to march on the table in two parallel columns. Although the Prussians stole a march on them in turn one with a timely heroic action, overall it began to show soon that the Empire would be deployed into line formation before the Prussians were ready.
As you can see in the picture above, the Empire's Ansbach Dragoons are closing in on the Prussian infantry center while they are still in column of route. The Dragoons wasted no time and brushed one Prussian Fusilier battalion off the table with a quick charge.
On the left and in the center, the Empire had formed line before the Prussians did, but got stuck in a fruitless firefight and, eventually, in a fatal attack where two (!) Kurmainz battalions were pushed back by the skirmishing Wunsch Frei-infantry, one of them even routing off the table in total disarray.
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The protracted firefight on the Empire left. Frustrated because they completely failed to impress the opposing skirmishers, the Kurmainz battalions charge and are beaten back soundly by Wunsch. |
In the center (as on the unfortunate left) the Empire is evolving its columns into line formation ahead of the Prussians, with the reformed Dragoons holding the Prussian Hussars at bay.
Things are very crowded, though, as the Empire struggles to develop two mutually supporting lines.
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The skirmishing Wunsch Freikorps watch their opponents turn from "line" into "run" formation |
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Empire troops are beginning to retreat, Prussian infantry advances cautiously as the Empire center still has full strength battalions firing at them. |
Turn 6 (let's say 10:30-11:00 a.m.)
Sequence decks: Prussians remove one card for the routed Fusiliers and one for the poor command. Empire remove one card for the routing Kurmainz battalion.
Phase 1, roll 1: 11:12, Prussians turn dud.
Roll 2: 14:5, 6:3 pips
Empire turn dud, reload, use it on 4/Kurmainz and fire them at Wunsch once more, D10 d1 disordered, u1 pb, d2 target skirmishing for D6:D6, 2:3 no effect.
Then turn skirmish move and move the Grenzers towards the wooded area on the very left of the Prussian flank, and turn Officer check (with no need to test anything).
Prussians turn difficult move (not usable for marching anymore as all units are within 12" of an enemy), dud, cav move.
Roll 3: 16:10, all remaining pips are split 7:3.
Empire move their HQ to the right, turn cav move, retreat the Dragoons, turn dud, heroic moment for elite reload. Fire the converged grenadiers in the center (despite long range) at the Hessen-Kassel Fusiliers at D10 up1 1st fire, d2 long range, D8:D8 for 3:7 no effect.
Prussians don't charge their Hussars into an even D4:D4 cav melee, instead turn - another cav move :(, and an infantry move. Use that on their reserve first.
Phase 2, roll 1: 18:20, Prussians don't move the center and right wing infantry and turn cav melee and dress lines instead.
Roll 2: 18:19, Prussians turn cav move.
Roll 3: 13:10, 2:1 pips.
Empire reload and fire the Grenadiers again, this time D6:D8 without 1st fire: 2:7 no effect.
Prussians hold back on the cav move and turn Officer check instead, with no need to roll for survival.
Roll 4: 18:18, the heroic elite reload for the Empire goes unused.
Turn 7 sees the same sequence deck changes as before.
Phase 1, roll 1: 5:1, 3:1 pips
Empire turn useless deployment, dud, dud (2 art moves...). Prussians turn dud, too.
Roll 2: 10:2, 6:2 pips.
Empire turn officer check, don't need a survival roll, try to bring the Dragoons back in command: D20 d1 disordered, d1 enemy within 1 move for D10:D8, 7:6 success. Spend a pip and a morale chip to rally the Dragoons D6:D8, 4:4 fail.
Empire then turn difficult move and use it on the Grenzers on the very right. Then turn dud, dud.
Prussians turn dud, diff. move.
Roll 3: 3:7, 1:3 pips.
Prussians turn reload, fire and reload Wunsch at 4/Kurmainz, at D10 u1 pb range, d1 disordered, 4:3 for no effect. Then turn inf move.
Empire turn dud.
Roll 4 for 3 remaining pips, 1:7.
Prussians move their reserve, turn cav melee, refill their 4th opportunity pip.
Looking at the morale chip situation, I think I penalized the Empire troops to highly for their lost melees. Multiple chip losses for one melee seem overly harsh and, rereading the table in the Cartouche rules on morale chip losses, unwarranted. I think I need to return at least two chips for the Kurmainz unit and one or two for the Dragoons. Before rereading the rules and blow by blow, I'll return 3 chips to make it 8:15.
Phase 2, roll 1: 14:9, 4:1 pips
Empire turn cav move, skirmish move and use it on the Grenzers, turn inf move.
Prussians turn command decision (at one of the best possible times...)
Roll 2: 1:17, 12:3 (only 15 pips left)
Prussians turn dud, cav move, melee (choosing not to melee their skirmishers), reload. Fire the skirmishers at D10 d1 disordered, up1 pb, D10:D6 for 6:2, OOC. Reload and fire again, 6:1 just missing a better effect.
Then turn officer check and attempt to rally the Hussars at D20 d1 disordered, d1 rally, d1 enemy within 1 move for D8:D8 7:2 ok. Note they can't be brought under command as cav that left a mixed command.
Then turn skirmish move, but find their skirmishers are already in melee (and thus probably couldn't have chosen to skip their melee some time ago...). So turning continues with a useless maneuver, difficult move, and then a cav move.
Empire first rout their 2/Kurmainz, then move their reserve and right wing.
Phase 3, roll 1: 7:12, 1:4 pips.
Prussians charge and melee the disordered Dragoons with their Hussars. Hussars fight with D6, d1 blown, up1 charging, the Dragoons fight with D8 d1 blown, d1 -1 stand, d2 disordered for the minimum D4. Roll is 6:4, one more stand loss, Dragoons rout. Empire lose a morale chip (not multiples as I played earlier), Prussians get two bonus pips. The Dragoons rout through the Grenadiers who turn unformed. The Hussars are disordered, and roll to prevent pursuit D20 d1 disordered, d2 prevent pursuit, d1 one move range for D4:D8, failing the check 1:7. So they pursue the Dragoons 6 inches, hitting the Grenadiers on the way.
As elites, the Grenadiers fire a volley (their first!) at point blank range, D10 up 1st fire, d1 unformed, up1 range, D12:D6, 4:1 for 1 stand loss.
Prussians then turn infantry move. They move their reserve. Next they would like to advance the right infantry wing to move Hessen-Kassel through their retreating skirmishers and attack the spent 4/Kurmainz. However, the Wunsch Frei infantry is stuck in melee and will have to fight first. They do that on the last available pip, attacking their disordered enemy without a card and with D8 up1 charging, d2 disordered, d2 skirmish = D4 vs D8 d2 disordered =D4, 4:4 tie broken in favor of the attacker, routing the Mainz infantry.
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Another Kurmainz battalion turns tail and runs, routed by the fearsome Wunsch skirmishers. |
Rereading the rules on morale chip losses I think these are cumulative, after all. I don't quite get it, because this treats a unit routing unralliably after a one stand loss in a 4:1 result much easier than a unit that loses two stands and rallies later, but whatever. I will remove the three morale chips from the Empire again which I corrected earlier, remove one from the Prussians for the Hussar stand lost to fire, and now 3 more from the Empire for losing a melee and routing with a 1 stand loss, so they only have a single chip left.
Empire use their one pip to let the Grenadiers melee the Hussars who pursued into them in disorder: D8 up1 charging, vs D6 down lots for disordered, lost stands etc. D10:D4, 9:1, the Hussars are wiped out for a chip loss of 1 (lost melee) +3 lost stands. Not sure another chip makes sense for routing the non-existing unit, but I'll award it to keep things a bit more interesting.
Roll 2: to be cont'd...
... or not? Looking at the morale situation with 1:8 chips remaining, I guess all that is left is a withdrawal of the Reichsarmee. I guess I'll first have to pass a player morale check before I play that out.
So let's take stock. At the moment, unit losses relevant for a major morale check would favor the Prussians. Although they have lost two units completely (one Fusilier battalion and the Hussars), the Prussians currently have three routing units and only one morale chip, i.e. one chance to rally one of them. The Empire would have to tie the Prussians by rallying one Kurmainz battalion, or routing another Prussian unit anywhere, to avoid their next Major Morale check.
Currently, this check would be a D20 having to roll >1, but only if there is a morale chip left to pay for that (so no more rallying for now). I guess the odds to make the first roll are ok, but as soon as the Empire loses a morale chip to something else their army will crumble quickly.
So the best the Empire can do is beat a fast and efficient retreat. I don't think I'll play that out, but will start to see how quickly things go south. So the goal is: don't spend pips on anything but retreating and maybe occasionally firing off a lucky salvo at the pursuing Prussians. Let's try that.
So Roll 2: 19:16, Empire turn a heroic... cav move to forced rout their Dragoons off the table.
Prussians advance their right wing and withdraw the heroic Frei infantry.
Roll 3: 11:17, 2:4 pips.
Prussians fire at their right wing opponents. 1/Hessen-Kassel at the routing Kurmainz infantry, D10 up1 1st fire, up1 rear, and I'll ignore formation modifiers for the target as they are currently half way between disordered line and routing column of march. D12+1 vs D6 is 3:4, no effect.
2/Hessen Kassel fire at the Grenadiers, D10 up1 for 4:1, one stand and the last morale chip gone. Then advance their reserve (now the left wing) but not the Fusiliers in the center. The left most Grenadiers stay back to face the Grenzers in the forest. These fire at the Grenadiers, D10 up1 1st fire, 10:4 disordering the Grenadiers, making them ooc and costing a morale chip (still 7 left for the Prussians to none for the Empire).
The Prussians then turn cav melee and maneuver.
Empire turn elites reload, but keep that active for later and refill one opportunity pip.
Roll 4: 4:14, the remaining 6 pips go to the Prussians.
Prussians turn a heroic deployment with no use, and another infantry move. They use it on their right wing to charge the routing Kurmainz battalion and the Grenadiers.
They immediately melee Kurmainz at D10 up1 charging, up3 rear for D12+3 vs D10 d1 stand loss, d2 disordered for D4, 6:3 for 1 stand loss, 2 pips and 2 morale chips to the Prussians (lost melee, stand loss) and a 3" retreat.
They turn dress lines and an officer check. The commander loss roll is a 14, no problem. They try to rally the victorious Fusiliers, D20 d1 disordered, d1 rally, d1 enemy within one move for D8:D8, 5:3 ok. Then try to assert command over them, D20 d1 for enemy distance, 2:4 fails. The poor CiC tries to rally the Grenadiers on the left wing, D20 d1 poor, d1 disordered, d1 rally, d1 enemy near, for D6:D8 for 3:1 success.
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On their right wing, the Prussians start to advance and drive the crumbling Empire left off the table |
Phase 3, roll 1: 18:8, 7:3 pips.
Empire reload both Grenadier units, and immediately fire the Grenadiers facing Hessen-Kassel in the middle of the fire fight shown above. D10 d1 stand loss, up1 range, 3:5 no effect.
They refill an opportunity pip, turn musket reload, use it on the Grenadiers and fire at Hessen-Kassel again, this time for 4:3 and again no effect.
Prussians turn dud and musket reload, use it on Hessen-Kassel.
Roll 2: 3:12, 3:6 pips.
Prussians reload Frei and 1/Hessen-Kassel, then fire 2/Hessen-Kassel at the Grenadiers D10 up1 range, 4:5 no effect. It must be raining.
They turn cav move, Officer check. No casualty roll needed. But try again to bring 1/Hessen Kassel in command at D20 d1 enemy range, 9:2 ok.
Empire turn dud, maneuvre, cav move.
Roll 3 for one pip: 3:18, Prussians try to assert command on the Grenadiers on the very left, with another d1 for the poor commander, 8:8 no.
Phase 4, roll 1 (only 1 card left in the Prussian sequence deck...): 3:6, 1:2 pips.
Prussians advance their brigade commanders, Empire turn melee resolution.
Roll 2: 11:18, 2:5 pips. Prussiand turn their last card to end the turn before the Empire Grenadiers can melee Hessen-Kassel...
Turn 7
Sequence decks: Prussians are two units down, Empire 3. Both sides add a major morale check (one turn late).
Thinking about what the armies will try to do this turn I can't see much that is worth playing out anymore. The Empire will retreat as fast as possible, and the Prussians will not be willing to follow too aggressively, risk taking close range defensive fire while trying to charge the retreating units. So I'll leave the march off the table to the imagination of the reader and consider things a clear Prussian victory despite valiant efforts of the Empire to seize the initiative and make the best of the day.
Playing through my fourth Piquet game (starting here) I got confused by my own notes on unit BDVs.
In my first attempt to summarize house rules, I listed based on a starting BDV of 6 and the Cartouche default unit shifts on p.68 ff of the rule book.
And in my recent roll call of minis painted so far, I noted unit BDVs based on geenric defaults and with some historical adjustments to reflect the general prejudice on unit qualities.
Between the two, the values for Prussians match. But for the Empire, they don't. And I don't think I would have remembered the Russian ind/art up1 morale.
So I want to try again here and hopefully come to a more consistent result.
First shots were already fired at the end of turn 3, while both armies were still deploying. Let's see how aggressively they continue in...
Turn 4
There are no casualties yet, so sequence decks remain unchanged and complete, except for one card removed from the Prussian deck for their poor commander.
Phase 1, roll 1: 16:2, 10:4 pips.
Empire turn infantry move. For the right wing, infantry speed is not enough to let the Dragoons charge home, so they only move the mandatory inch to avoid exposing their flank to the Prussian Hussars. The rest of the right wing and reserve move up and start forming into line.
As per the Piquet house rules, I will allow the 90° turn from column to line on a move command, even to the Prussians who have enemy cavalry approaching and should be even more motivated to pivot quickly.
Empire then turn dud, dud, cav move. This is when the Dragoons charge Hoffmann Fusiliers and catch them in column of march. This flank attack immediately disorders the Fusiliers, and can be resolved immediately without waiting for a melee resolution card.
The Dragoons get a D8 up 2 flank for D12, the Fusiliers defend with a D8 d2 disordered for the minimum D4. Roll is 5:2, one stand loss and doubled so the Fusiliers rout.
The Prussians lose 4 morale chips (disordered, lost melee, lost stand, rout),but still have 3 more chips left than the Empire started with. The Empire gets two bonus pips for the rout. I forgot to mark them out of command for leaving the command group, will do that now.
The victorious Dragoons are blown and disordered after melee, and roll their morale D6 vs D10 for routing infantry to check pursuit. They check successfully 6:2, and use the 2 bonus pips to retire one move to get out of the Prussian Hussars' way. They will be blown but good order on their next move.
After all this excitement, the Empire next turn dud, melee resolution, dud, dud.
The Prussians see cav melee, dud, reload and use that for the Frei infantry.
Roll 2 for 6 remaining pips: 17:11, all 6 go to the Empire.
They turn cav move amd let the Dragoons inch towards the right, threatening the Hussars and giving the Grenadiers behind them a bit more space.
Then turn dud, elites reload, native mobility (not used to keep the Grenzers in command), and dud.
Phase 2, roll 1: 18:7 for 8:3 pips.
Empire see inf move, move their right and reserve. The leftwing stays put.
Next they turn officer check. They move the C in C towards the center, otherwise there's nothing to do.
Next they see cav melee, reload and reload the 2nd Kurmainz bat.
The Prussians turn a dud and infantry move. They have to rout Hofmann off the table first and leave the rest of the move to their next initiative.
Roll 2: 1:8, 2:5 pips.
Prussians form line with their left wing, Then their reserve advances, still one move behind the left. On the right wing they advance Dossow Fusiliers a bit.
They turn a difficult move next and bring up their rear to catch up.
The Empire reload the 4th bat. Kurmainz, and fire the 2nd bat. at the skirmishers again. This time they fire D10 d1 for range, d2 at skirmishers. D4:D6 is 3:1 for no effect.
Roll 3 for the last two pips: 17:17 ending the turn.
Turn 5: Prussians replace two cards (poor commander, one unit lost) with duds.
Phase 1, roll 1: 13:4, 5:2 pips.
Empire turn an unhelpful cav move, dud, deploy to wheel the Kurpfalz guards into line, and reload.
Prussians turn two duds.
Roll 2: 12:8, 3:1 pips.
Empire load and fire 2nd Kurmainz at the pesky skirmishers, D4:D6 for 1:3 no effect, and fire 4th Kurmainz at 4:2 still no effect but to be reloaded.
Prussians turn Maneuver.
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Continued, but ineffective, firefight between Kurmainz and the Prussian skirmishers in the center |
Roll 3: 8:10, 2 Prussian pips to let 2/Dossow swing into line and turn cav melee.
Roll 4: 5:3, 2 Empire pips reload 4th/Kurmainz, and turn a heroic moment.
Roll 5: 16:19, 1:2 pips.
Prussians urn tdud and their first command indecision at a good time (end of their initiative anyway). Apparently the staff work better than the general's poor quality would suggest.
Empire turn a dud, keeping the heroics dangling for...
Roll 6: 12:6, the remaining 2 pips go to the Empire to turn a useless heroic elites reload and a dud.
Phase 2, roll 1: 15:5, 7:3 pips.
Empire turn dud, cav melee, inf move for their right wing and the reserve. Then turn a dud and their bonus inf move.
Prussians turn unhelpful native move, inf move and first march the leading grenadiers on the table and advance the left wing Hussars.
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Making the best of their extra infantry move card, the Reichsarmee is already filling the center with its infantry lines while the Prussian grenadiers are still marching on the table. |
Roll 2: 14:11, 2:1 pips.
Empire advance their right and reserve. Prussians advance their rear.
(here, my lack of connectivity ate a few initiatives' worth of notes, including the first very exciting clash in the center where the Wunsch skirmishers saw off an attack by two Kurmainz batallions)
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The first infantry melee in the center (spoiler: it didn't go well for the Empire...) |
Phase x, roll 1: 9:2, 5:2 pips
Empire turn the Dragoons a bit to have the Malachovsky Hussars in front, turn a useless native move, Officer check. Barely make the Officer Survival (D20 roll of 3), don't waste chips and pips on the disordered infantry, turn Cav move and charge the Dragoons into the Hussars in another attempt to land a decisive blow.
Prussians turn another Officer check in a row, and a melee.
Roll 2: 6:18, 4:8 pips.
Prussians resolve the cavalry melee, with (counter) charge advantage: D6 up1 charging vs D8 d1 blown, 6:4 for one stand loss and a morale chip. The Hussars roll to prevent pursuit: D20 d1 disordered, d2 prevent pursuit, d1 for the nearby Dragoons for D6:D8, 6:4 and stay under control.
Then turn cav move, but keep the Hussars back (they would melee the Dragoons at a risky D4:D4). Turn cav melee, reload, use that on Frei, infantry move. Use that to turn the leading Grenadiers into line, and refill one opportunity pip.
Roll 3 for one remaining pip: 3:3, ending the turn.