Turn 6
Sequence decks unchanged except impact of fully routed Prussian Dragoons (random card replaced by Dress Lines)
Phase 1
Roll 1: 7:19, 4:8 pips
Prussians turn Maneuver, then Infantry Move. Burgsdorf attack 4/Kurmainz, leaving Willemey out of command. Fusiliers advance, Salmuth to contact with 2/Kurmainz. Kurmainz fire an opportunity volley at short distance, D10 d1 for 1 stand loss, 1:4 for no effect. Then turn useless card until a Heroic Moment shows up last, let's see what it will turn out to be.
Empire turn DL, Elite Reload (used for the Kurpfalz Guard) and cav move for nect time.
Roll 2: 10:16, 2:4 pips.
Prussians turn DL (I'll carry the heroic moment through that) but then a difficult move, so the heroics are not needed. Then turn DL and Maneuver.
Empire move their Cuirassiers to their left flank, turn DL
Roll 3 for 2 pips: 13:12, Empire turns another DL
Roll 4 for 1 pip: 19:9, Empire turns another DL
Phase 2
Roll 1: 10:16, 3:6 pips
Prussians turn and use reload for 3 pips, turn Officer Check but have nothing useful to do with that, turn melee. The Grenadiers use the last pip for their melee against 4/Kurmainz, with D8 u1 charging vs D8, 7:2 for 5 hits and one stand lost, and defender tripled: Kurmainz rout and are inralliable. As a result, Prussians get two more pips, Empire lose 3 morale chips (melee lost, unit routed and stand loss).
Salmuth fusiliers use the opportunity to melee 2/Kurmainz, at D8 up 1 charging vs D8 down1 for 1 stand lost, losing 1:6 in a reverse of the first melee's result: 3 morale chips lost and the Fusiliers rout unralliably. Empire get two pips.
The last Prussian pip turns a Cav Move.
Empire now has 5 pips, turns a reload and reloads 2/Kurmainz, fires Kurpfalz at Willemey Grenadiers D10, 10:3 for another two stands loss. Empire spends one morale chip for a challenge on Willemey, which is D8 down lots for lost stands to D4 against casualty D8 for 7 hits, 3:4, disordering the Grenadiers and pushing them back 1", for another Prussian morale chip loss. Next pip reloads them, last one refills one opportunity pip.
(I only noticed later that the Grenadiers were actually off the table after losing the fourth stand, as Piquet assumes units to have four stands each while my basing gives them six).
Note 1: I took the bonus pips for won melees from the 20 pips per phase, but am not sure whether that is correct (I guess when no pips re left in the phase's pool I wouls generate extra ones?
Note 2: I marked unralliable routers by removing the stand with their flag, maybe this could even be seen as a flag captured by the enemy?
Roll 2: 12:12, turn ends
Turn 7 (towards noon, assuming the troops started marching around 8:30)
The Prussians have lost 3 out of six units, so they will have to try and withdraw without being completely wiped out.
Phase 1
Roll 1: 10:12, 2 pips Prussians: turn a useless Elites Reload because the only target for the remaining Grenadiers is the routing Kurmainz batallion, and another Cav move which comes a bit too early.
Roll 2: 10:12, 2 pips Prussian: two Dress Lines.
Roll 3: 3:11, 2:6 pips
Prussians turn Dl, Musket Reload, Brilliant commander for a first inf move (starting with the routing Fusiliers)
Empire turn Native Move and Cav Move.
Roll 4: 9:1, 6:2 pips
Empire move the Cuirassiers, but lose time getting on the hill on their left flank. Then turn useless cards, ensing with a Heroic Moment for their next card.
Prussians turn Officer Check and move their staff out of the way of the retreating infantry.
Phase 2
Roll 1: 4:10, 2:4 pips
Prussians turn Cav Melee and Cav move, and do bring back the Hussars to the foot of the hill. Next card is Musket reload.
Empire turn Musket reload, allowing the Ferntheil infantry up to three shots at the withdrawing Grenadiers. The first one is at D10 d1 med range, u1 for fist fire, 1:3 for no effect.
Roll 2: 10:18, 2:6 pips
Prussian Grenadieres return the fire at D12 d1 med range, 3:3, reload and fire again 10:2, for a two stand loss on Ferntheil. Then turn deploy, Officer check and Inf Move.
Empire don't bother to reload and fire Ferntheil (at down 3, it would only give them a 1:24 chance to remove a stand), but instead turn Cav move and difficult move (allowing the Kurpfalz Guard to leave the village on their next move).
Roll 3: 18:10, 6:0 pips, as only 6 pips were in the phase (and Prussia is down to their last card...).
The Kurpfalz Guard move out of the village to pursue, and take opportunity fire from Hoffmann Fusiliers at D10 d1 med range, 6:3 for one stand loss. They return fire at D10 d1 med range, d1 for stand loss, 3:1 for no effect.
Then turn Officer Check, and Command Indecision to end the phase.
Phase 3
Roll 1: 17:18, Prussians turn DL and end the turn.
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