Turn 3
Sequence decks remain unchanged from turn 2, except that two newly selected random cards are removed from the Reichsarmee deck
Phase 1
Roll 1: 12:7, 4:1 pips Empire
Empire: turn 3 useless cards, then cav move
Prussians turn melee
Roll 2: 10:20, 7 Prussian pips and 3 Reichsarmee
Prussians: turn and perform Inf move (3 pips), then turn 3 useless cards and an empty officer check
Empire: keep their cav put to protect the infantry deployment, and turn three Dress Lines in a row
Roll 3 for the remaining 5 pips: 13:4, all remaining pips go to the Reichsarmee for five useless cards
Phase 2
Roll 1: 6:15, Prussians get 6 pips, Empire 3
Between two still useless Musket Reloads, the Prussians finish deploying their infantry on an Inf move and a Brilliant commander, and have their lines ready to go before the Empire even have all of their troops on the table.
Empire turn two useless cards and a Heroic Moment, but need to see what it will be about...
Roll 2: 8:4, 3:1 pips
The Heroic empire card is an Officer Check, which could help rally troops later in the game but is quite useless this early. At least they turn an Infantry Move for the next ini after a useless Elites Reload.
The Prussians turn a Dress Lines.
Roll 3: 4:2, 2 Empire pips to bring their remaining infantry on the table
Roll 4: 2:5
2 pips for Prussia for two useless cards
1 for the Empire to Dress lines
Roll 5 for 3 remaining pips: 18:18, end turn 3
Turn 4: sequence decks still unchanged
Phase 1
Roll 1: 7:10, 2 pips Prussians, 1 pip Empire for no action
Roll 2: 5:8, 1:2 pips
The Prussian „brilliant leader“ makes the cavalry move to attack positions to free up space for the infantry
Empire turns Cavalry Move
Roll 3: 6:11, 1:4 pips
Prussians turn Maneuver card and align their Dragoons for a charge on the opposing Cuirassiers for 2 pips, then turn another cav move and charge home.
Empire get their Officer Check out of the way with no action or negative impact.
Roll 4 (9 impetus remaining): 19:4, all 9 remaining pips go to the Empire so they do get out of this phase ahead on pips, anyway.
After several useless cards, they manage to get a heroic moment before an Infantry move card. This should ensure they are not caught undeployed even if the cavalry fight goes badly. Note that the rules say to double one unit‘s action on a heroic moment but I will let the complete second line infantry brigade make a double move, that seems more natural while things are still in the early stages and all units are under command. Turning the card and making three brigade moves takes up the remaining 4 pips.
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Just as their cavalry screen is hit by the Prussian Dragoons, the Reichsarmee infantry manage to deploy into line |
Phase 2
Roll 1: 17:4, 9:4 pips
The second Empire card is Command Indecision, wasting all remaining 7 pips.
The Prussians turn 4 useless cards incl. Officer check.
Roll 2 for the remaining 7 pips: 16:16, turn ends