Dienstag, 1. April 2014

SOM Diary: Lineups and Rosters for 2013 Replay

After some experimentation I have arrived at the following format to get an overview of each team's roster and some reminders of historical use of the players (how many games played, which position, typical position in the line up). I create these via sheet.zoho.org and intend to use printouts to record the games played and some simple indicators (smilies) for performance (click on the thumbnail to see a larger version):

Initially I wanted to start building these with the SOM cards in hand, but I found that inventing my ownlineups led to very unrealistic results so I ended up using baseball-reference.com to build these sheets and only refer to the actual SOM cards to figure out which players were available at all.

I used the following data available there:
  • Team Roster for number of games started per player and position
  • Defensive lineups for default starting positions and position players
  • Batting orders for a default batting lineup (that's the order in which position players appear on the roster above, and how I sort their SOM cards after each game)
  • Lineups linked above, and pitching gamelogs to understand why some players only played few games or had few at bats - were they players brought on the team (or leaving the team) at some point during the season or were they bench players who only got to play once or twice a week all season long?
I will try to use players in their historical roles, rather than inventing my own usage patterns and trades. That's why the roster contains the inetnded number of games each player should get in each position (scaled down from the real 162 game seson to my 33 game season by a factor of 5).

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